Writer's Journal

We have been dealing with self-doubt the wrong way! (v1)

Have you ever had a moment of realization, where you felt that you weren't capable? This could have happened anywhere - at work, in a relationship, while pursuing a hobby, or even while taking a quiet walk in the park.

The society we live in today is highly mechanical and transactional. Growth is measured by the expansion of the economy rather than the prosperity of people. Let me remind you, in economic studies, there's no mention of "people" as individuals with their own identities and dreams. Instead, we're reduced to terms like "labor," "manpower," or "man-hours". Very quantifiable!

As a society, we've forgotten who people are, treating them like mere cogs in a machine - replaceable, at best. When steeped in hyper-capitalism, a society doesn't see people for their true selves, but for who they can be? Well, what best can you become in a capitalistic society?

I bet you didn't think about becoming a - consumer.

In one aspect of the society, you're labor. In another, you're a consumer. Or worse, you're like a guinea pig on the hamster wheel. Or maybe even the cursed Sisyphus, endlessly pushing a rock to the top of the mountain, only to repeat the task unto death.

The picture I painted is pretty grim. But do you know where hope lies?

While being stuck in this vicious cycle, you are bound to have not one but multiple moments of self-doubt creeping in. Don't think of it as a sign, that you aren't doing it enough. Think of it as a signal for something your real self is trying to draw your attention towards.

Because these small moments of self-doubt are telling you to wake up from the slumber of ignorance. It's a reminder that you aren't cursed like Sisyphus to push the rock to the top of the hill forever.

Self-doubt is like a signal from the subconscious, that there is more to life than working as labor for the economy, providing for the family or loved ones, pursuing a hobby because it seems "cool", or doing things just to escape reality.

Things that come naturally to us as a part of human evolution don't invoke self-doubt. Have you ever had self-doubt about walking, talking, smiling, performing an act of kindness, soaking in nature, or pursuing your curiosity?

But, I bet you've had self-doubt about everything else.

When self-doubt arises, it's a signal that seeks your attention. Treat it like a gentle nudge from your subconscious, telling you about a potential misalignment between who you are and what you're doing. And there are plenty of reasons this misalignment can stem from :

In essence, self-doubt can be seen as a checkpoint. It asks you to pause, reflect, and reassess your direction. Are you living authentically? Are your goals truly yours, or are they borrowed from societal expectations? Are you pushing yourself to meet a standard that doesn’t resonate with your true self?

Self-doubt is not a reflection of weakness but of growth. It bears the potential to lead you to discover something about yourself, that you never knew before. It calls for a moment of deep introspection, and change.

Remember, as Sylvia Plath wrote, 'The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt,' but up close, it’s really a challenge to discover your best self.