Writer's Journal


As I am collecting my thoughts to write on the topic of Distraction, I am being distracted by a lot of stuff.

I am sure I can add more.

As a modern and evolved species, we like getting distracted. Or we like delaying stuff we find meaningful. It sounds very counterintuitive, I know. But think about it -

You have all your 5 or 10-year plans in place. You already know what you need to do to achieve them. But how come you haven't begun? Why are you delaying your success?

The problem with getting distracted isn't as simple as it seems. And the antidote to distraction isn't more attention.

Let's think about what distraction really looks like and how it manifests in our real world.

It may occur in one or all of the following ways:

Long-term distractions always is a response to deep-rooted and unaddressed patterns of thinking. Or even loop thinking. A rational mind is supposed to do everything it can do to be successful. In the eyes of society and our families, we are very much that rationale being. But then why aren't we in complete control of our time and attention? Shouldn't doing the right things be easy?

It should be, but sadly it isn't!

So, here are 3 ways we can counter this paradox of distraction. These ways won't help us deal with the just symptom i.e. distraction. But the main problem behind the symptoms i.e. our unaddressed emotions and thinking patterns.

1) Consequence before Distraction

Ask yourself, by choosing distraction, what consequences are you heading towards?

By attaching consequences, you are more likely to trigger your rationale to make the right decisions for you.

2) Let's do the bare minimum?

Do you want to get distracted? Go ahead and do it! But at least do your bare minimum for the day.

Set non-negotiables with the bare minimum for any tasks. If you are willing to spend at least 5 minutes on the tasks, and if the tasks are really meaningful, don't worry your brain will be compelled to do more. It's just like starting a domino.

3) Create a distraction-free environment

Deregulate distractions by getting rid of the triggers.

Create an environment where the friction between you and the tasks is minimal. And that between you and your triggers is the maximum.

Also, distractions carry a very negative connotation in the modern productivity and hustle culture.

What might be a distraction for you may be the source of creative inspiration for the other. So choose your distractions wisely, and remember to earn your indulgence in that distraction!