Writer's Journal

I like being inside my head

The world has a lot to offer in terms of material stuff. But I also know that I can never be content with just material. It's an endless pursuit of vanity. The more you have, the more you want.

So when I looked at what are the other things the world can offer, knowledge caught my attention. Won't deny that we have enough of that too in the world, but not everybody runs after it. It's not as prized as material by the society. And only the one who has it knows its real worth.

Knowledge is novel, it's hard to acquire and make peace with. You can never know if you have enough of it since the concept of 'enough' doesn't apply to it. It's highly subjective.

I am not sure how one becomes knowledgeable.

But I think the closest I have gotten in my pursuit of knowledge is in the moments when I am in my head. I devour every moment when I am alone, and free from the obligations of the real world. Being in your head isn't sustainable enough. It's also not advisable too.


But I am not sure if there is any healthy or regulated way of being in your head. The only way I have found out is to observe, savour, think, re-think, and then WRITE.

Writing helps a lot!

Being in your head is a Pandora's box for

But all of this will be unrealized until you find a way to express it in the real world. There is a delicate balance between your mind and reality. It's a fine thread you need to tread every day. You can't throw yourself off balance or fall. You can't be stuck in one realm forever.

Every day you have to take this journey between being sane, practical, and real and being imaginative, crazy, and insane.

I am in my head because I want to run barefoot after what feels distant for now - Knowledge.